Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blue Plug 20'' x 20''

There are times when I am faced with a very dry creative spell. These have been frequent lately. Wisdom has it that you just keep plugging...and this is just what I have been doing. This piece of canvas, has been needle punched (very satisfying process BTW) with fabric bits, throwster's waste (stuff silk spinners throw out -- or used to) and lots and lots of thread work.
I am not quite at the point where I would rather be vacuuming, but any day now.


Olga Norris said...

This lovely bright piece reminds me so much of work by Gillian Ayres.

Kit said...

Thanks for the link to Gillian Ayres' link Olga. Her life's work is so colourful and energetic. Very inspiring. I wonder sometimes why we don't work in paint...