Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bad Day at Black Rock...

I am in my lab thinking that I am so smart, so well organized, there are all my concentrates lined up , and ready to go. Fabric is scoured, labeled, and piled consecutively, ready to be dyed.

Measuring tools are at the ready...all is well.
Suddenly, all hell breaks loose.
A 3 quart bottle of black dye concentrate bumps into me, falls to the floor and splats everywhere. This is not black dye, but black dye CONCENTRATE. Everything in the lab is contaminated with black.

A moment of silence (aka contemplation) a deep breath, and on to mopping, mopping and more mopping...The door to the garage will need repainting. Somehow white enamel paint absorbs dye concentrate permanently.
Ugh! What a mess....
I am looking for a silver I have decided to repaint the laundry room walls a rich golden yellow.
This will NOT happen again:-)
I need a bigger room...


Anonymous said...

My commiserations. Why is that so-called "fibre-reactive" dyes like to deposit themselves in the most inconvenient (non-fiber)places!

Michele/TextileTraveler said...

Oh no! This is my greatest fear when I'm dyeing! I know it will happen one of these days, and yet I continue to dye with all kinds of things surrounding me that would be completely ruined if it did. Sigh. Oh well, I LOVE your blog and am spending way too much time reading it when I should be working :-)