What's on my Wall
Black and white studies and small felted studies.
And...what's on my table
This is a piece of black viscose rayon with a motif discharged on it using thiox. I know that bleach is so frequently used for discharging i.e. removing colour from cloth, but nothing, I mean nothing can compare to thioIMHO.... all traces of black are GONE.
Here is the mix I used:
1 tsp thiox (Pro Chem) + 1 tsp soda ash (yes, the swimming pool stuff) with ½ cup of sodium alginate (thickener from Pro Chem) - gently stirred in a plastic picnic bowl and ready for action.
This is a Thermofax screen I made earlier in San Antonio with a little discharge paste ready for squeegeeing onto a length of black viscose rayon cloth from RG&S.Voila! A crisp clean transfer of the motif yielding total removal of colour -- with the help of a little heat. N.B. I used a hot iron with a respirator mask.
Gorgeous! I am off to San Antonio this Saturday to learn a lot more about all this stuff.
This is such a great piece! I hope you had a great time in San Antonio--I hope to make it to one of Jane's workshops someday (and I'm just right down the road in Austin, so there's no excuse!).
Great art on walls....
Thanks Michele,
Go for it!
A workshop with Jane is such a creative energiser.
Thiox is definitely an improvement on chlorine bleach - avoiding the inevitable orange. And the fabric itself makes a big difference in terms of what colour you get.
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